Are you ready to put yourself in the drivers seat of your financial future!?


Imagine taking that leap to be in control of your financial future and have the tools, know-how and support required to live life in line with your values now and be on the pathway to retire confidently!

The Moneymode School 

Are you ready to take charge of your financial future? 

  • Learn the foundations to money management, how to grow your wealth and the steps to retire financially free
  • A safe space to build your financial know-how [at your own pace]
  • Mentoring from a financial adviser
  • Access to in-depth resources, worksheets, expert masterclasses and more

Throughout this program you will learn everything about money (that you weren't taught at school!!!) and be given the tools to build your own financial plan.  You will learn from a qualified Financial Adviser, with over 20 years of experience, who has helped hundreds of clients build their wealth and retire on their own terms.


All at a fraction of the cost of working with an adviser 1:1.

We will be covering everything from cashflow management, money mindset, protecting your wealth,  debt reduction, becoming mortgage free, investing, shares, property, superannuation...and how to set yourself up now to retire financially secure, confident and free!

I cannot wait to support you on your journey!!!

Moneymode School Course Overview

You will be given the tools to build your own financial plan.  A self paced program where you will get access to and support from a financial adviser with 20+ years of experience.

The course will cover:

  • Building Strong Foundations 
    • Get your financial house in order
    • Create your Money Management System
    • Future proof you and your family
  • Goal Setting and Money Mindset
    • Establish meaningful and achievable goals
    • Map out your life plan
    • Understand your money story and money in your relationship
  • Building your Wealth Pathway
    • Learn all the fundamentals of investing, shares, property, super, home ownership and building wealth. So you can retire confidently! 

Money doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't need to be stressful. Once you know the fundamentals and the things you need to pay attention to, anyone can master them.  You can get your money working for you with ease and be reaching your goals that will allow you to enjoy your lifestyle today AND provide for financial independence in the future. 

Add your name here to join the waitlist

Doors will be opening for our next round of the Moneymode School later in 2025, be the first to know when enrolments open!


The next round of  

Moneymode School

will re-open in 2025.