Crack your Cashflow

Take control of your cashflow and go from A to (financially) free.   

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Do any of these sound familiar?

  • An ‘out-of-the-blue’ expense blows your savings progress
  • Rising interest rates might make your mortgage unmanageable
  • You feel you earn enough money, but there never seems enough left over to save or invest
  • You’re not sure you’ll be able to retire when you want
  • You want to save for a family holiday or home reno but can't make the progress you'd hoped for
  • The wheels have fallen off your previous attempts to sort out your cashflow
  • The idea of budgeting feels icky and restrictive  
Don't worry, you’re not alone.

I regularly meet people in your situation. 

The truth is, you probably weren’t given the right tools to really understand your finances. And as we get older, most of us feel more comfortable talking about our sex lives than our finances! 

Crack your Cashflow breaks down the art of managing your money into simple steps. It's filled with engaging video tutorials, accessible workbooks and an easy-to-follow system so you can start achieving your financial goals.

I want to take control of my cashflow

Special launch offer! 

This price is a one-time offer and will increase after the launch.

The standard course price is $349.  The value is well beyond this!

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Why is my cashflow so important?

Healthy cashflow is the first important building block to your financial freedom. 

Getting better at money is not about finding the next best investment, or getting rich quick.  And it’s definitely not about waiting for a financial windfall or pay rise.  Using your cashflow effectively is knowing what it costs to run your life and setting up a simple system so you can make your money work for 'you'.

Because it’s not as easy as simply ‘earning more money.’ If you’re unable to manage your money, more money will just make your cash woes worse. 

Crack your Cashflow will give you a crystal clear picture of your current financial situation and help you start taking control of your financial future.  We’ll strip your finances back and create a cash flow plan that covers your costs, your 'fun' fund, and how much you can put towards building and improving your financial position. 

So you can stop being controlled by the paycheck cycle and start using your money to live life on your own terms. 

How it works

Step 1

Knowing your numbers so that your have a clear picture on where your money is going is the very first step.  You'll be guided, and provided the template, to uncover what it costs to run your life. Think of this as your first take on a budget.

Step 2

You'll get your spending plan into the best possible shape after I guide your through the tips and tricks on nailing your numbers by reviewing and refining your expenses.  This is where you get decide where your money goes.

Step 3

You'll set up your own automated money management system based on your numbers and situation.   You'll be given the simple banking structure to succeed. 

This is where the magic happens and you say goodbye to money worries and stress (for good!)

What’s included

Self-guided videos to take you through every-step of the process.

Easy to follow workbooks, that are yours to keep and refer back to.

Templates & Checklists so that you can implement your system, simply!

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Who’s Crack your Cashflow for?

Crack your Cashflow will help you if you want to:

  • Feel in control of your finances

  • Have your money working for you

  • Create a cashflow plan (aka budget) that will work

  • Improve your relationship with money

  • Have surplus income to invest, pay down debt and build for your future

  • Save for your first house deposit or a home reno

  • Feel confident and empowered around financial decisions

  • Enjoy your lifestyle guilt-free

  • Say goodbye to money stress, money worries and money waste!

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Hi, I'm Renae

There are so many financial planners who only want to work with HNWI (that’s high net worth individuals for the rest of us) people who are already at the top of the financial ladder rather than trying to climb the first step.

This doesn’t align with my values at all.

Ever since I fell in love with the industry 20 years ago, I’ve wanted to use these superpowers to help women make smart decisions and take control of their finances, and their future.

You shouldn’t have to choose between spending thousands on financial planning advice or muddling through on your own. It also shouldn’t feel overly complicated or intimidating.

Crack your Cashflow is the starting blocks I’ve used for over 20 years to help my clients then create a clear pathway to financial peace of mind.

You can read more about my story

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Special launch offer! 

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It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis’

- James Clear

Have you downloaded your FREE budget template?

A simple spreadsheet so you can easily keep track of your income and spending.

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